86 research outputs found

    Análisis económico-financiero de una unidad básica de producción cooperativa

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    An economic an financial appraisal of a typical livestock cooperative collective venture in Valle del Cauto, Granma province, Cuba, was performed. A data-base was built taking into account the information collected from surveys to the venture administra- tion board and the statistical and financial registers from 1996, 1997, and 1998. Technical indexes such as soil use and herd struc- ture, and financial indexes like solvency and debt level at a short run were discussed. The average guideline for animal current production inventory and bills to be collected and paid were also analyzed. This last analysis showed the venture financial status. There was just a 9,6% and 9% solvency to pay debts in the years under study. They invested 1,31; 1,28 and 1,16 pesos (national currency) from foreing resources for each own financing peso.  Este trabajo se realizó en una unidad básica de producción cooperativa (UBPC) ganadera, representativa del Valle del Cauto, provincia de Granma, Cuba, con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento de los indicadores económico-financieros que inciden en su actividad económica. La base de datos se confeccionó con encuestas realizadas a los miembros de la junta directiva de la UBPC, y con la información proveniente de los registros estadísticos y los estados financieros correspondientes a tres años de los últimos ejercicios aprobados (1996, 1997 y 1998). Se analizan de forma particular indicadores técnicos como el uso del suelo y estructura del rebaño; también se estudiaron indicadores financieros como liquidez y grado de endeudamiento a corto plazo; así como algunas razones de actividad, como plazo promedio de inventario de producción animal en proceso y cuentas por cobrar y pagar. El análisis de las razones muestra la situación financiera que presenta la UBPC. El índice de prueba ácida en el período demuestra que sólo el 9, 6 y 9 % respectivamente de sus activos a liquidar a corto plazo cubren sus deudas para el período anali- zado. Por cada peso de financiación propia utilizan 1,31; 1,28 y 1,16 pesos de recursos ajenos para estos años, respectivamente

    Comportamiento productivo de los rebaños de cría de bovinos en el Valle del Cauto, Cuba

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    The productive behavior of bovine breeding herds from 27 farms located in a low basin of Cauto River in Las Tunas province, Cuba, was studied during a four-year period of time. In order to evaluate the already existing productive systems, the following indexes were analyzed: herd management, herd feeding, and some other aspects related to handling. Variables from production efficiency, handling conditions, as well as processes and procedures defining technological alternatives applied to the farms were checked over. Multivariational statistical techniques of principal components were used to define a number of factors which de- termine the productive behavior of herds, taken as the production of liveweight/breeder/year. Besides, a hierarchical analysis of the farms was carried out as to characterize them all. According to the evaluated indexes, farms were divided into three groups: I. Farms having a complete artificial insemination where management procedures guaranteeing a decrease in post-calving anestrus were applied and a load adjustment to real herd capacity was performed; II. Herds raised in open ranges, and III. The remaining farms with a complete artificial insemination. Farms from groups I and II attained a higher productive efficiency, which demon- strates that such efficiency depends on production and reproduction planning and these systems load capacity.Se caracterizó durante cuatro años el comportamiento productivo de los rebaños de cría de bovinos de 27 fincas ubicadas en la cuenca baja del río Cauto, en la provincia Las Tunas, Cuba. Para la evaluación de los sistemas productivos se tomaron en conside- ración los indicadores siguientes: el manejo de los rebaños, la alimentación y otros aspectos de las condiciones de tenencia. Se controlaron las variables correspondientes a la eficiencia de la producción, condiciones de tenencia y a los procesos y procedi- mientos que definen las alternativas tecnológicas utilizadas en las fincas estudiadas. Se emplearon las técnicas estadísticas multi- variadas componentes principales para definir los factores que determinan el comportamiento productivo de los rebaños, medida como la producción de peso vivo/reproductora/año y el análisis de conglomerado jerárquico para tipificar las fincas. Según los indicadores evaluados se determinaron tres grupos: de las fincas en I. A. completo, donde se aplicaron procedimientos de manejo que garantizan la disminución del anestro postparto y se ajustó la carga a la capacidad de carga del sistema pastoril; los rebaños en patios y el resto de las fincas en IA. completo. En las fincas de los grupos I y II se logra la mayor eficiencia productiva, demos- trándose que está determinada por organización de la producción, y la reproducción y por la capacidad de carga de estos sistemas

    Evaluación económica de dos sistemas de pastoreo para la producción de leche con bajos insumos en suelo vertisol

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    An economic an financial appraisal of a typical livestock cooperative collective venture in Valle del Cauto, Granma province, Cuba, was performed. A data-base was built taking into account the information collected from surveys to the venture administra- tion board and the statistical and financial registers from 1996, 1997, and 1998. Technical indexes such as soil use and herd struc- ture, and financial indexes like solvency and debt level at a short run were discussed. The average guideline for animal current production inventory and bills to be collected and paid were also analyzed. This last analysis showed the venture financial status. There was just a 9,6% and 9% solvency to pay debts in the years under study. They invested 1,31; 1,28 and 1,16 pesos (national currency) from foreing resources for each own financing peso.Se evaluó económicamente el empleo de dos sistemas de pastoreo en una vaquería comercial, en condiciones de secano. Se uti- lizaron los métodos de pastoreo racional Voisin (PRV) y el pastoreo porcionado, cada uno con 37 vacas 5/8 Holstein-3/8 Cebú. Para valorar la eficiencia económica, se tuvieron en cuenta indicadores del volumen, valor y costo de producción, ganancia económica, costo por peso, relación beneficio costo, costo del kg de leche y se calculó el punto de equilibrio y período de recu- peración de la inversión. Los resultados mostraron que los indicadores del volumen de producción (producción de leche), valor de la producción (leche y carne), los costos de producción (gastos fijos y variables) y la ganancia económica revelaron un mejor comportamiento en el método porcionado, donde el costo por peso producido promedio (moneda nacional) es inferior en 0,06,larelacioˊnbeneficiocostoseincrementoˊen 0,06, la relación beneficio costo se incrementó en 0,11 y el costo del kg de la leche disminuyó en 0,03,conrespectoalPRV.Ademaˊs,sedeterminoˊquesoloesnecesarioinvertirentre 0,03, con respecto al PRV. Además, se determinó que solo es necesario invertir entre 0,08 y 0,12USDporcadapesoenmonedanacional,enelmeˊtodoporcionado,mientrasqueenelPRVsenecesitainvertir 0,12 USD por cada peso en moneda nacional, en el método porcionado, mientras que en el PRV se necesita invertir 0,02 adicionales. El costo para producir un kilogramo de leche fue bajo en sentido general y osciló entre 0,05y 0,05 y 0,07 en el PRV y entre 0,04y 0,04 y 0,05 en el porcionado

    Plan De Desarrollo Turístico Como Alternativa De Dinamismo Socio Economico En La Parroquia Nueva Loja, Cantón Lago Agrio, Provincia De Sucumbíos

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    This paper elaborates a plan for tourist development in the county of Nueva Loja, canton Lago Agrio, province of Sucumbíos, Ecuador, which was based on bibliographic review, field trips and participatory workshops. These steps validated a diagnosis related to physical, cultural, socioeconomic, and political dimensions of the territory. The inventory of tourist attractions in Nueva Loja followed the methodology of the Ecuador Ministry of Tourism, 2004, resulting in identification of seven natural attractions, up to Level II, and seven intangible cultural attractions. To determine the profile of domestic and foreign tourists wishing to get to know the county, a concurrent market survey was conducted. A situational analysis was carried out, in which institutions associated with economic development in the county were identified, as well as policies, objectives and strategies that serve to strengthen tourism in the region. To ensure the sustainability of four programs and ten projects, an investment of USD 454,700 is required. The plan establishes a basis for improving tourism, under a scheme of sustainability, resulting in economic benefits that will be experienced by its inhabitants. The implementation of the plan is recommended, since it is designed according to the needs and the local reality for the sustainable development of tourism

    Factores que determinan la eficiencia reproductiva en 38 fincas ganaderas en sistemas de doble propósito

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    Thirty-eight dairy farms, located in three climatic regions out of the four which define rainfall within Valle del Cauto in Granma province, Cuba, were sampled in order to determine herd reproductive efficiency. A survey system including variables that characterize technological and ecological processes determining herd reproductive efficiency was applied to each dairy farm. Two different multivariational methods were used i. e., a factorial analysis through by the method main components method to establish the factors influencing upon the herds, reproductive behavior and a cluster analysis to group dairy farms. A variance analysis was also carried out to find out the influence of cattle yard number on birth rate in the sampled dairy farms. The herd reproductive efficiency depends on two factors which explain the 94 % variance detected, i. e., production organization and cow management after calving. The most relevant variables were cattle yard number, grazing method herd physical condition nightly grazing time, grazing hours herd management during rut detection, and calf age at weaning. The more intensive the grazing sys- tem was, the higher dairy farms reproductive efficiency resulted. Herds  under restricted grazing systems showed higher reproduc- tive indexes than other evaluated systems.Se determina la eficiencia reproductiva de la ganadería de leche en el Valle del Cauto de la provincia Granma, Cuba, para lo cual se eligieron 38 vaquerías, distribuidas en tres de las cuatro zonas climáticas que definen las precipitaciones en el territorio. En cada una se aplicó un sistema de encuestas con las variables que caracterizan el comportamiento de los procesos tecnológicos y ecológicos que determinan la eficiencia reproductiva de los rebaños estudiados. Se emplearon los métodos multivariados análi- sis factorial por el método de componentes principales para establecer los factores que determinan el comportamiento reproducti- vo de los rebaños y de análisis de conglomerado para agrupar las fincas. Se realizó análisis de varianza para conocer la influencia del número de cuartones sobre la natalidad en las fincas evaluadas. La eficiencia reproductiva de los rebaños está condicionada por dos factores que explican el 94 % de la varianza encontrada y se denominaron: organización de la producción y manejo de la hembra después del parto, destacándose las variables número de cuartones, método de pastoreo, condición corporal del rebaño, tiempo de pastoreo nocturno, horas de pastoreo, manejo durante la detección del celo y edad al destete de los terneros. La eficien- cia reproductiva de las fincas crece a medida que se intensifica el sistema de pastoreo. Los rebaños bajo sistemas racionales de pastoreo presentaron mejores indicadores reproductivos que el resto de los sistemas evaluados

    Shagosoft, multimedia para el estudio de los sitios y monumentos históricos en Santiago de Cuba

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    Introduction: historical sites and monuments are a tribute to those who marked out the course of history, thus these places must be studied by Medical Science students as part of their training. Objective: to create an educational multimedia about the sites and monuments of Santiago de Cuba for students of the medical sciences. Method: a technological development research was carried out from February to May 2017, at Santiago de Cuba University of Medical Sciences. The product was made in the Matchware Mediator version 9.0. The target group comprised 430 medical students from the third academic-year. Results: the multimedia has a module of introduction that includes historical reviews, historical sites, sites of interest and videos. Before applying the educational multimedia only 25 % of the respondents showed high level of knowledge on the subject; after applying the product, it increased up to 88 %; 100 % of respondents expressed satisfaction with the multimedia. Conclusions: the applied multimedia constitutes an important tool in the teaching-learning process for teaching the History of Cuba, since it provides professors a complementary tool and provides updated information on the most important historical sites and monuments of Santiago de Cuba.Introducción: los sitios y monumentos históricos constituyen tributo a aquellos que dejaron huellas en el cauce de la historia, por lo cual deben ser estudiados por los estudiantes de las Ciencias Médicas como parte de su formación.Objetivo: confeccionar una multimedia educativa sobre los sitios y monumentos de Santiago de Cuba para estudiantes de las ciencias médicas.Método: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico en el período febrero a mayo del 2017, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba. El producto se confeccionó en el Matchware Mediator en su versión 9.0. Se validó el producto mediante la consulta a un comité de expertos. El universo estuvo constituido por 430 estudiantes de tercer año de medicina.Resultados: la multimedia cuenta con un módulo de presentación que incluye reseñas históricas, sitios históricos, sitios de interés y videos. Antes de aplicar la multimedia educativa solo el 25 % de los encuestados poseía un elevado nivel de conocimiento respecto al tema; tras ser aplicado el producto, aumentó hasta el 88 %. El 100 % de los encuestados manifestaron satisfacción respecto a la multimedia.Conclusiones: la multimedia aplicada constituye una importante herramienta en el proceso docente-educativo de la asignatura Historia de Cuba, puesto que sirve a los docentes como medio auxiliar y brinda información actualizada sobre los diversos sitios y monumentos históricos más relevantes de Santiago de Cuba

    Complete response under sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Relationship with dermatologic adverse events.

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    The clinical benefit of sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been undervalued due to the absence of complete responses, even though patients who develop early dermatologic reactions have shown to have a positive outcome. In addition, sorafenib is described as an antiangiogenic drug, but it also acts on immunological cells. Thus, the goal of this study was to assess the complete response rate in a retrospective cohort of HCC patients treated with sorafenib and to describe the profile of the patients who achieve complete response for identifying factors related to this event and their connection with the immunological profile of sorafenib. Ten Spanish centers submitted cases of complete response under sorafenib. The baseline characteristics, development of early dermatologic reactions, and cause of treatment discontinuation were annotated. Radiological images taken before starting sorafenib, at first control, after starting sorafenib, at the time of complete response, and at least 1 month after treatment were centrally reviewed. Of the 1119 patients studied, 20 had been classified as complete responders by the centers, but eight of these patients were excluded after central review. Ten patients had complete disappearance of all tumor sites, and two had just a small residual fibrotic scar. Thus, 12 patients were classified as complete responders (58% HCV, median age 59.7 years, 83.4% Child-Pugh class A, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 91.7%, and Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage C 83.3%). The median overall survival and treatment duration were 85.8 and 40.1 months, respectively. All but one patient developed early dermatologic reactions, and seven patients discontinued sorafenib after achieving complete response due to adverse events, patient decision, or liver decompensation. CONCLUSION: Complete response affects 1% of patients with HCC who are treated with sorafenib. The association of complete response with early dermatologic reactions supports the role of a specific immune/inflammatory patient profile in the improved response to sorafenib

    Femtosecond double-pulse laser ablation and deposition of Co-doped ZnS thin films

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    Nanostructured thin films of Co-doped zinc sulfide were synthesized through femtosecond pulsed laser deposition. The scheme involved ablation of physically mixed Co and ZnS with pairs of ultrashort pulses separated in time in the 0-300 ps range. In situ monitorization of the deposition process was carried out through a simultaneous reflectivity measurement. The crystallinity of generated nanoparticles and the inclusion of Co in the ZnS lattice is demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (TEM-EDX) characterization. Surface morphology, Raman response, and photoluminescence of the films have also been assessed. The role of interpulse temporal separation is most visible in the thickness of the films obtained at the same total fluence, with much thicker films deposited with short delays than with individual uncoupled pulses. The proportion of Co in the synthesized doped ZnS nanoparticles is found to be substantially lower than the original proportion, and practically independent on interpulse delay

    Ordenamiento Territorial Como Propuesta De Desarrollo Económico Local Estudio De Caso: Propuesta De Plan De Desarrollo Y De Ordenamiento Territorial Para El Cantón Alausí, Componente Económico Productivo

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    An economic development and land use planning proposal for Alausí County, Chimborazo was created as part of this research. The research started with an analysis of the current situation in the productive area of the county. With the help of participative workshops, it was possible to identify principal problems and opportunities; these topics helped in the definition of development strategies. Alausí is a rural area with 76% employment. Most are engaged in farming activities on sandy loam soils with slopes ranging from 15 to 45 degrees. Despite the ruggedness, 39% of the area is appropriate for farming activities, in which the principal products are barley, corn, potato, and fresh milk. Access to technology is a principal barrier to economic growth and profitability in production. It is recommended that the municipality of Alausí implement various projects identified by this research in order to capitalize on the productive area of the county and to improve quality of life